Integrated legacy ASP site into new company standard CMS. Customized the front and back end to conform to the company requirements. Designed new logo and applied new branding. Managed sites day-to-day operations and updates.
Year: 2016
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery,, SQL server
Tools: Visual Studio, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver
Building off the success of the redesign, I customized a new cross-browser, mobile-first responsive front-end to meet the specific needs of the Real Estate School. Redesigned logo and added new company branding to site. Designed and developed the entire front end on top of my CMS I customized for all the Allied websites. Customized back-end and front-end using current marketing visitor information and company requirements provided by management. The intent was to update the company-wide web presence by applying new company branding to a mobile friendly experience while retaining/improving search engine ranking and improving the quality of the content structure and page markup. Managed sites day-to-day operations and updates.
Year: 2015-2016
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery,, SQL server
Tools: Visual Studio, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver
Complete redesign. Designed and developed new site based on my custom CMS to fulfill the company's unique network, commerce, seo and security requirements. Designed developed and applied a mobile first, responsive front-end using semantic markup improving the company's overall search rankings and lowering the sites drop rate drastically. Redesigned company logos. Managed sites day-to-day operations and updates.
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery,, SQL server
Tools: Visual Studio, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver
Created new light mobile version of company site. Designed and developed SPA (single page application) with a responsive layout and optimized graphics.
Year: 2013
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery
Tools: Visual Studio, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver
New mobile-first responsive website built on my custom CMS. Designed and developed entire site to clients specifications.
Year: 2015
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery,, SQL server
Tools: Visual Studio, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver
Text goes here.
More text here.
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Text goes here.
Text goes here.
Text goes here.
Online training resource designed for the automotive industry. Workshop completion, performance and attendance tracking, session scheduling and resource management.
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery,, MVC, SQL server
Tools: Visual Studio, Adobe Creative Cloud, SSMS
An online service department sales tool designed to educate customers about their cars specific service and repair needs. The application uses interactive animation, text, audio and video to simulate common vehicle components and functions and explain related common service and repair procedures.
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, JQuery,, SQL server
Tools: Visual Studio, Adobe Creative Cloud, SSMS
Internal search portal for service related information. Best practices, recall information, model specifications and other related service and repair information.
Year: 2017-2020
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Bootstrap, JQuery,, SQL server
Tools: Visual Studio, Adobe Creative Cloud, SSMS
Employee time-card application. Time management and project tracking system. Responsive mobile-first UI design.
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Bootstrap, JQuery,, SQL server
Tools: Visual Studio, Adobe Creative Cloud, SSMS
Learning Management System. Full featured online learning portal. Certification and course progress, performance and attendance tracking.
Year: 2017-2024
Technology: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Bootstrap, JQuery,, SQL server, Web Services, WebAPI, Entity Framework
Tools: Visual Studio, Adobe Creative Cloud, SSMS